Early this year, I’ve been talking to a friend about a trip to Spain. She applied for a scholarship and we were both excited – we were already planning on visiting a few of Spain’s famous tourist spots, a day-trip to Budapest and another to Prague. However, for some reasons, it didn’t push through. 🙁
Seeing a lot of cheap flights to Palma de Mallorca advertisements and lovely photos around the web makes me want to go. I think I’m as broken-hearted as my friend is…I still have a lot of reasons to go on a Spain trip but it would be much more fun with a friend along…hey girl, do apply again and I’ll wait for this trip of ours.
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After seeing that picture, I can totally understand why you’d be dreaming about it! Beautiful. But keep up the good spirits, I’m sure your friend’s scholarship will come through one of these days so you can take your dream vacation here! 🙂
Awww… definitely G. I still dream of going back there someday. God willing, everything will fall into place.
Oh, my brother just got back from Spain and he has me dreaming too!
this is in my bucket list. so you better show me how to make money out of my blog to finance my illusions of traveling the world – er Spain 🙂
I’ve been to Majorca and Palma – that photo is of La Seu Palma Cathedral which is absolutely unforgettable – it’s built in Catalan Gothic style and I think dates back to sometime in the 1200’s. The best thing about it is the stained glass window at one end. It is made up of thousands of individual bits of glass and if you go at the right time of the day (probably late afternoon) you’ll see a rainbow of colours streaming through that window – it’s totally awe-inspiring.