Travelling when the kids were younger was easier, as they look forward to actually going somewhere. After 2 years of being home for a long time and getting used to it, the idea of going on a trip may seem less attractive. We’ve been out to nearer cities that do not require long days, but haven’t really tried longer vacations. Back in the days, we just bring their favorite board games that we can play with at night, walk and enjoy the area where we are, eat and play again – we’re all happy and content.
Back then, the Rubik’s cube was (and will always be) a classic favorite. Now that the kids are older, they enjoy a lot of online games and I’m sure they’d enjoy a 3d Rubik’s cube online, too. We still believe that learning shouldn’t be confined within the four walls of the classroom. Travelling itself is an enriching experience, it makes one modest, and kids learn a lot of other helpful things, life lessons, and gives them a lot of perspective regarding life in general.
Find flightsWhile we’re yet to go on a road trip, we can at the moment, give tips on shorter trips with more grown-up kids.

Table of Contents
List Your Travel Essentials
Whether you’re going to the nearest city, camping at a nearby mountain, or going to the beach, it’s wise to always have an essentials list handy.
From toothbrush to how many pairs of socks, from the slippers to how many shirts to bring, from umbrellas to chargers, check each and every piece as you put them in their respective luggage. You can download our checklist below!
Research About Your Destination
No matter how famous or unknown a place you are visiting is, giving it due time to research and prepare is a must.
Draft Up Itinerary
No matter how long (or short) you plan your vacation, it is always good to have a plan. Like an essentials list, you need to come up with things you want to do and see. Get inspiration from instagram, vlogs, and blogs to know what’s the trend, and where is the best food to get the best experience.

Prepare Documents
It’s been years since you last use your passports, so check their validity first. It may take weeks to renew so make sure you have ample time submit and do all the required paperworks.

Prepare Games and Snacks
It is always a good idea to have games ready on long trips. You can’t just simply sleep it off the whole ride, so make it fun by playing classic road trip games. You can even participate in online group games – driver not included – to ward off boredom. If you have smaller kids, math games are best – as they would associate numbers with fun travel memories. Writing on notebooks is not ideal while on a trip, so make use of their love for phones and gadgets by introducing them to online math games (click!).
Snacks and drinks are another important must-haves on trips. Pack some protein-rich bars sans the sugar, salami sticks and cheese and also water. If it’s really warm, we’d put bottles in the fridge overnight – iced water bottles. It works as a cooler and when you wrap it in towel to dab on your skin slightly to wear off the heat.

Get Your Vehicle Checked
Weeks before your planned trip, it is best to get your car checked. It probably hasn’t travelled long and needs some updates so better do that ahead. Check again days leading to your trip to see if anything needs changing or updating.

Stop and Smell The Flowers
Literally, stop and enjoy the view, perhaps a flowering field, the sunset, even a small coffee shop along the way. Your destination is always a good goal but enjoying the journey should also a memorable experience. There’s probably a lot of cliches on this piece now, but yes, it’s the little things that matter.
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